12 January 2011

Byrne interviewed by Grant Wahl

Read this link

Great job by Grant as this interview discusses some great topics with Terry. It was interesting to read of the conversation with Pepe Pinton as well as his past career. However, for the supporters of the Cosmos movement, the real news was when the Wilpon family came up.

When asked if he sees the Wilpons as a partner or competitor, Byrne had a strong response:

"SI.com: For years MLS has been speaking with the Wilpon family, which owns the New York Mets, about being involved in a second New York-area soccer team and a soccer stadium. Do you see the Wilpons as competitors or potential partners?

Byrne: I think potential partners is the answer to that one. The commissioner has made it clear that they are interested in building the stadium and would be willing to partner with us in potentially building that stadium. I don't think they're competitors. [Kemsley] has had a couple meetings with them. The vision is ideally to work with them."

As stated before on this site, all our sources say that the Wilpons and Cosmos are working together. This is the first mention of that from the Cosmos.

Byrne later goes on and talks about how they have funding for the stadium, and it would not include debt. He says a capacity for the Queens based stadium to be anywhere between 30-40K

While it is not a press conference announcing the team, one must be happy with the stadium being more openly discussed.


Anonymous said...

Could the Wilpons build an MLS stadium in the Citi Field parking lots? To make up for the loss of parking they could always add a two-story parking deck. This would seem the most cost effective option and could be done pretty quickly. Has this been talked about?

Nick said...

Yes - the parking lot is the easiest place to build. Still a lot of fight in Willets Point so that would be a much longer project.

If they are looking at 2013 - parking lot probably is best bet

Fabio said...

If they do wish a 30.000/40.000 capacity stadium ready for the spring of the 2013,I think that the building MUST BEGIN for October of this year.
Are you agreed ?